Every delivery truck needs insurance to go along with it. The best way to get solid and cheap insurance coverage for your delivery truck is to compare the policies from several insurance agencies at once. We connect you with three agents and they compete to insure your company. Get started now!
The Types of Delivery Truck Insurance Coverage
You need a delivery truck insurance policy that protects you in your time of need. You want to be protected fully, within reason. A firm policy will include these coverages:
- Liability Insurance – This coverage is required by law. It protects other people when you’re at fault in an accident.
- Bodily Injury – Part of liability coverage, this pays for medical expenses when your truck hurts another person.
- Property Damage – Another part of liability coverage, this pays for vehicle repairs when your vehicle causes destruction.
- Physical Damage Coverage – Not legally required, but a good idea. This coverage pays for repairs to your vehicles following an accident.
- Motor Truck Cargo Insurance – If you’re a home mover, this is legally required coverage. It protects the goods that you haul in your truck.
- General Liability – For businesses, this coverage protects you if you are ever sued.
3 Ways A Policy Can Match Your Business
There are several options available that can reduce how much you pay and how fully your policy protects you.
1. The Deductible
The deductible is the amount of money you pay out of pocket when an accident is your fault. When you have a higher deductible, you pay a lower premium. But be careful, because a high deductible might cost you more in the long run.
2. The Limit
Following an accident, the insurance company will only pay up to a certain amount. That cap is called the limit. When you opt for a lower limit, your premium is reduced.
3. The Payment Plan
The frequency with which you pay your premium can affect your price. Insurance companies will offer discounts to customers who pay once a year at the beginning of the year. If price is important to you, consider this option.
Compare Delivery Truck Insurance Coverage between Agencies
The best way to save money is to compare insurance between insurance companies all at once. We’ve made this easy. Just go to this quote page and fill out the form. Within no time, you’ll be connected with three agents who want to compete for your business.