It’s impossible to say how much your straight truck insurance will cost you until you talk directly with an insurance agent. Different insurance agencies offer different prices on their coverage. To be certain that you’re getting the best coverage at the best price, you must speak with multiple agents.
We’ve simplified the process. Now you can find three straight truck insurance agents at once when you fill out our quote form. They send you their quote and you get to pick and choose which one works for you.
What’s the Average Cost of Straight Truck Insurance Cost?
There are several factors that insurance agents look at as they come up with a dollar amount. Mostly they care about the number of trucks you own, your safety record, and the coverages that you’re looking for. So, for example, if you only have a single straight truck that you’ve been operating for a long time without any problems, your liability coverage and cargo insurance won’t cost that much. On the other hand, if you’ve just opened shop with a lot of vehicles, your coverage will cost a bit more.
Operations with a single truck can expect to pay between $4,000 and $10,000 a year for insurance.
How is This All Calculated?
Your agents won’t tell you how they arrived at the number they give you, but there are certain things you can expect them to look at, including:
- Your drivers’ driving records
- How much your trucks are worth
- The state you live in
- Whether you live in an urban or rural area
- How much area you cover
- The types of goods you normally haul
How to Find the Best Coverage
The only good way to get a good price on straight truck insurance is to look at multiple agents at once. To do this, just visit our Request a Quote form and plug in your information. We get you in touch with three agents for free and they each compile a quote for your business. From there you determine which price works for you.