Business owners have learned that a better way to get a good straight truck insurance quote is to compare several agencies at once. That way they know they’re getting the best policy at a fair price. We’ve made this process easy. Just fill out one form and we’ll connect you with three straight truck insurance companies in your state.
Save Money by Getting Multiple Quotes on Box Truck Insurance
Any company that own a straight truck — couriers, expeditors, retailers, and movers — know that straight truck insurance is an unavoidable cost of doing business. You have to have it. But that doesn’t mean you have to pay a huge price for it.
When you shop around, you inevitably save. For regular auto insurance, this process is easy; for straight truck insurance, things get a little harder. Agencies that offer good straight truck insurance polices are few and far between. They make you jump through a thousand hoops just to get a quote. Once you do finally receive a price, you don’t really have any other options.
That’s why we’re here. We connect you with three straight truck insurance agents at once. They contact you with their best offer and you get to choose which agency best fits your company. It only takes one form and best of all, it’s free. Click here to get started.
Who Needs Straight Truck Insurance?
Straight truck insurance is legally required of any business that hauls goods directly to the customer using a straight truck that they own. Some examples of businesses with straight trucks include furniture stores, mattress stores, appliance stores, and household goods movers. Their trucks include:
- Cargo cutaway
- Ice box
- Moving Truck
- Reefer Truck
- Sleeper Box
- Tilt Cab
What Coverages You Need
There are various coverages that insurance companies offer to make up a robust straight truck insurance policy. The big ones are:
Liability Insurance – Legally required coverage that covers others’ property when you’re at fault in an accident.
Physical Damage Coverage – Covers your vehicle following a wreck.
Motor Truck Cargo Insurance – Covers the goods you haul in your truck. For house movers, this is required coverage.
Non-Trucking Liability Insurance – Covers your vehicle during non-business hours
How to find straight truck insurance quotes online
To get three quotes from three different insurance agents, visit this page and enter your information. We’ll connect you with three agents and you’ll save!